Supporting & helping our local First Responders protect our lake & surrounding community is perhaps our highest calling…
The Saxeville-Pine River Fire Department’s existing defibrillators (AED’s) were old & no longer supported/serviced by the manufacturer. FLL recently purchased 2 new Zoll AED’s for them, & there is an existing State Grant from the Wisconsin DNR that provides a 50% match for qualified Emergency Services Equipment… So our donation essentially provided funding for 3 new AED’s!
Also, FLL made a generous donation in the recent past to help acquire & outfit their new Command Vehicle, which helps them better coordinate emergency response efforts & optimize how they deploy equipment.
We also donated some tables & chairs used for their annual Chicken BBQ Fundraiser each summer (note we borrow these for our annual LLA/FLL picnic) - this is an ongoing support effort to replace old/broken tables & chairs as needed.